Part 15: Oh, hey Dad.
Oh, hey Dad.
After all that swamp/brain/horrible backwater mutant business, I'm glad to be back on dry land. Er, dryer land. Dogbrows, strangely enough, was waiting for me outside of Vault 101 of all places.

Sarge was outside of Canterbury Commons, enjoying a new hobby.

Then he spouted off some self-righteous crap and refused to go with me. I wish I hadn't put all my stuff in that guy.

Welp, just me and the dog now.

Maybe I have been a little evil, but so what? I've got a Vault to find.

Just gotta keep on truckin' and keep on killin' shit.

There's a lot more of those green wheeled 'bots around here. It's like the whole world gets beefier every time I take a vacation.

But I do get to shoot more lasers, so there's a bit of a silver lining.

They've also got missiles, which I can definitely get behind.

Later that night, these guys showed up.

I couldn't believe I'd been doing so much bad as to be, well, targeted by bounty hunters. ugly after that. Hey, I didn't have much of a choice.

I decided to test out that weird energy emitter gun from the lighthouse. Unfortunately, it seems to be of limited use - the wave dissipates after a certain distance. It packs a punch, but it's...underwhelming. It just makes a noise and hurts stuff.

My other guns are way more satisfying, especially when I'm up against a Behemoth.

Oh yeah, and apparently there are Behemoths out there.

There's also this...raider stronghold pit or something.

Yeah no fuck that we're going around.

Might as well see if there's anything good in here.

Looks like a junk shop or somethin'.

One of these days I'm gonna have to try the glowy cola. That, or fill a wizard-jacuzzi with the stuff.

Oho, what's this? It SEAMS there's more to this building than I imagined!

Down we go then!

This is all quite intriguing. I wonder what secrets are hidden down here?

Huh. What are the odds?

These Vaults are Kinda neat when you're not fleeing out of one.


...oh. I guess this one's tame. It thinks I'm a resident of the Vault, so I might as well play along.

Sure, I could go for a lounging before I try to find the old man.

This thing, right?

Wait, this some kind of illusion? Judging from the this pre-war?

Oh, total hell, I'm a child.

Might as well cooperate with the mirage. Better than angering it, at least.

Sure, whatever.

Well, that SHOULD be simple enough. This must be the Neusbaum residence.

Goddamn, 18 already? I have to admit I'm weirded out by the timing of this level. I decided to buff up my sneak as a matter of survivability; I'm not sure if I gave a clear enough idea of it, but there's been another mob power spike, and it's to the point of enemies being a threat! The lockpicking points are just lockpicking points. I also took Cannibal because I'm a stupid idiot. We might not be getting much use out of that one.

Aaaaannnnnd fantastic, the girl is now some kind of evil professor with a funny accent.

She proceeds to rattle off some crap about how she's in control and has chosen to be a little girl puppetmaster.

Then it's off to the next sadistic mission.

It's just a matter of reconaissance, really.

Then telling another bullshit lie about some misdeed so shit can go terribly for innocent people.


Wait, what? You have my dad?

Well, just for the record, I don't like this. But next thing, please.

Easy enough!

Let's see here. This being the idyllic place that it is, the women are probably kept to housekeeping.

There we go. Just fuck around with the spark-thingy and loosen a thing or two. Lady's gotta cook sometime.

Get on with it.

The what now?

Oh, okay. Knife everyone.

The amount of undergrowth here is appalling.





Are we done here?

Okay yes reality.

So it turns out Dad was on to something after all and a GECK is just what we need for clean water.

Thus began a long trip back to Rivet City. Father and

I gotta say, the man's got grit.

I found this in the ruins. Some kinda mecha-fist.

Before we knew it, we were back in Rivet City. The plan now is to get the old lab at the memorial up and running. Then we can use the computers to track down a GECK.

I've opted to stay behind for the time being. Take a break, make up for some shit.
I've got a lot to make up.